A little bit of good news

1297366031536_ORIGINALIn an email to the manager of Canadian Premium Meats, Tierschutzbund’s Sabrina Gurtner was able to confirm that CPM is not in the horse slaughter business any more.

The manager stated that the plant was bought by a Beef Marketing Company last autumn and has no more capacity for horse slaughter but they still appear on the CFIA’s approved horse slaughter plants list.



  1. Let’s see if they want to meet the lone star tick, if it bites you, you vet sick from eating flesh!!

  2. […] From our friends at Canadian Horse Defence Coalition […]

  3. fineley some good news for once lets keep up the good work and lets horse slaughter save them

  4. That is a ‘little’ good news for sure! Possibly someone calling them directly to hear if they do or do not?
    I will see what I can find out. A gal who works where I do lives in Westwold, as well, I purchase hay from a fellow that’s lived out there for years….the guy who helps him ‘works(ed)’ at this plant?
    Letty Grayson – This plant is small compared to Bouvry’s in Alberta, who owns (I believe) one of the plants in Quebec. Bouvry has a LOT of land…mares are foaled out, as well he has Bison too. Maybe Google it or check the website out. 🙂

    1. It was confirmed in an email to the manager of the plant.

      1. Thanks…awesome news!

      2. Gina Powell · ·

        Please help me out. I’m a former Owner/Trainer of racehorses, but I quit in 2005 for a multitude of reasons, the main issue being OTTB’s sent to slaughter. The multibillion dollar racing industry contributes little or nothing financially to the thoroughbreds whom they exploit. Their mantra is breed, breed, breed, dump, dump, dump.

        I know many people who have nothing to do with the horse racing business, but are compassionate enough to go to kill auctions, and rescue some with no financial help from the industry or from the Owner/Breeder who made all the money off of the horse. I have been fighting this very powerful industry for a long time including ensuring the PETA undercover video of a top trainer, Steve Asmussen’s, day to day operations of his racing stable. For those of you who have not seen it please google. It was one time that the industry couldn’t lie or cover-up the truth that doping is a regular part of a racehorse’s life.

        Anyways, I’m constantly attacked by their bevy of, probably paid, army to protect the industry. Recently, I found it very difficult to find some sort of statistics on how many thoroughbreds end up at the slaughterhouse. I have seen as little as 16% to 30% with every single article stating that those figures are conservative because many TB’s that were specifically bred for the industry have no tattoos so are therefore not taken into account. PLEASE PLEASE email me any articles or statistics you have on OTTB’S that end up at the slaughterhouse?

  5. Kelly Ison · ·

    ihave stopped buying anything Canadian, too offset any blood money you make. I hope you all come back as horses, remember therefore the grace of God go I

  6. The EU has to be still excepting US horses funneled through Canada. They know that at least half of the horses slaughtered in Canada come from the US just like they know where the horses coming across the border from the US into Mexico are coming from. As far as I know the last email that I was sent several months ago was that US horses were still being slaughtered in Mexico along with the fact that kill buyers here in the US are still hauling them either to Mexico or Canada which ever is closer to where they live. It seems that now Mexico is trying to push its population to start eating horse meat which would mean that horses from the US would still be sold in Mexico only the meat wouldn’t be shipped to the EU. Mexico sure don’t care if the horses have been dosed with drugs they are after the money the meat might bring in.

    And now the the bad news from Animal Angels is that they found out about what is known as Blood Farms where horses mostly mares are used for blood being drawn to be sent to pharmaceutical companies to be used in vet drugs and there is a hormone in the blood that is used to manufacture a drug to be given to female pigs to cause them to come into heat to breed. There are farms in the US also in Argentina and Uruguay and from the video that I saw there is a lot of cruelty going on at the farms in the the two South American countries I don’t know about the ones here in the US but from the article none of the farms in the US are regulated. The people running these Blood Farms are making millions from the blood being sold to the pharmaceutical companies and other companies that use it. The article didn’t mention Canada having these farms.
    I have never heard of these farms before its new s to me but from what they found out about them the taking of blood causes anemia in the mares so they eventually stop breeding so they are useless for collecting blood so it can be manufactured for the pigs. They are sent to slaughter.
    The mares are kept pregnant for the hormone and for replacement mares they keep the female foals while the males are sent to slaughter I imagine at six months of age. It looks like the horses can’t catch a break can they? Damn the greedy the bastards.

    1. Anne Marie Matzko · ·

      I read that too. It’s just like with the chickens. They kill the males and keep the hens.

  7. Awesome news!!!!

  8. Any closure is good news. How does this plant compare in scale to Claude Bouvry’s and do we know anything about Bouvry closing?

  9. that is good news lets get more to close down

  10. Better news is that the European Union will not accept horsemeat from Mexico anymore. Only safe hope our horses is to feed them something that will not harm them but make the meat purchaser violently ill.

    1. sounds like the last resort to me—-but what makes one sick can kill another and I would not want that on my hands—–

  11. Martha Coyne · ·

    I hope that these types of closures continue to happen. All horse slaughter should be banned.

  12. Marie Taggart · ·

    we are getting closer love the food news

  13. yeah!!!!!

  14. sosbaiji · ·

    That is some good news.

  15. OMG that is such wonderful news. 4 plants to go.