The shady trade in American horsemeat

Europeans are eating American horses – but should they?

by Jack Rodolico

Ken Terpenning of Lexington, Kentucky has owned over two-dozen racehorses.  But one in particular made a big impression.

“Silky Shark was everything you’d want in a racehorse,” says Terpenning.  “He was vibrant, fiery, a very happy horse.  On the racetrack, he was a total professional.  He earned over $100,000 in his career.”

Sinikka Crosland, Executive Director of the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition, feeds her horses in Westbank, British Columbia, Canada Photo by Madonna Hamel

Sinikka Crosland, Executive Director of the Canadian Horse Defence Coalition, feeds her horses in Westbank, British Columbia, Canada Photo by Madonna Hamel

Like any athlete, there was an arc to Silky Shark’s career.  But the downward slope was faster than Terpenning could have imagined.  The horse had some medical problems that led to lost races, and then Terpenning fell on tough times financially.  He sold the horse to a man he trusted, but it didn’t take long for Silky Shark to wind up in the “slaughter pipeline.”

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  2. Jean Le Marquand · ·

    I suspect Temple Grandin only wants to try to invent ways to slaughter horses more humanely to get the animal activists off the backs of the abusers. It won’t work; and don’t use the EU as an excuse to further your own agenda.

  3. Anne Streeter · ·

    More disappointing comment from Temple Grandin! Why is she made out to be such a guru? I rarely agree with her and wonder why she can be so nonchalant after witnessing so much cruelty and misery in the animal slaughter business. It hasn’t even convinced her to become a vegetarian.

  4. Reblogged this on delia1979.

  5. Ann Lawrence · ·

    Responsibility. You buy the animal–start saving for humane euthanasia. Backlash at Temple–there is no such thing as “humane slaughter”–climb in the chute and try it sometime. The only USA horses with fewer drugs in them are the BLM stockpiled wild horses—and there will be WAR if they ship them to slaughter–RIGHT ? Those mares are zapped with PZP—wait til that gets into the human reproductive chain—-no one knows what that will produce. Good luck EU.

    1. jean robertson · ·

      The BLM has already shipped stockpiled wild horses to slaughter by selling to a known kill buyer. A few years ago thousands of geldings were exported to Mexico and they didn’t go for breeding.

  6. What’s even more sickening is that the EU continues to to import horse meat and all horses are administered drugs that stay in their systems permanently. Temple Grandin should know better than to try a solution like a 6 months stay in a stock yard . This won’t stop horses who have been given Butte from being exported for consumption. Actually I am still wondering how anyone can sit down and eat horse. They were not on our livestock food chain nor should they be here or in the EU and Canada. This whole issue of starving horses is just a bunch of poop to throw people of track and try to make them believe that we are actually rescuing these horses by slaughtering them. It’s a crock of shit. Temple Grandin the mighty inventor of the “keep calm cattle slaughter house” is also full of shit and is just in it probably for the patent money. I can’t think of another reason that an educated person would literally lie to the public about the length of time it would take for a horse to be non toxic as food. Bullshit Temple Grandin, to you and the rest of the pro slaughter people just looking to make a dime off a pound of horse flesh. You should be ashamed.

    1. Jagadamba Dasi Mowka,,,,WELL SAID!