A chance for you to tell the Provincial horse councils and federations to do the right thing

friendsIn the past, the CHDC has questioned why the various provincial councils, equine federations and breed associations aren’t doing more to help horses so we were pleased to see that others are questioning this too.

Below is information on a petition to ask these groups to change the distribution of membership dues to help horses.

Canada’s horse councils and federations:  Donate to a member’s charity of choice

Canada’s provincial horse councils and federations support horse slaughter and eating horse meat.  Many horse people who are members of these organizations in order to compete, become certified professionals, and so forth, do not agree with horse slaughter and find eating horse meat repulsive and unacceptable.

This petition intends to change the distribution of membership dues collected by the provincial horse councils/federations so that a portion of the dues – being 25% – will be donated at the member’s request upon membership sign-up or renewal to any Equine Welfare organization or horse rescue in Canada that the member chooses. Currently, the provincial horse councils / federations have have banded together into a corporation called the “Horse Welfare Alliance Of Canada (HWAC)” which campaigns for horse slaughter in Canada and the eating of horse meat.

More information can be found here.

One comment

  1. Marie Dean · ·

    Equine Right To Life, thank you for bringing attention to the horse councils and federations that support horse slaughter. Thank you for campaigning for Canadian Veterinarians for Equine Welfare – love it – LOVE YOU!